
Monday, April 2, 2007

Rush hours

We as humans tend to rush when it's the last minutes, some do not rush and will be able to maintain calmness and also looking cool while doing it. I have been rushing about half the years of my life till now. Rush assignment, rush to grandma's place, rush here and there. Lol

I wonder what people will think if they look at me like I was in a series. Rush Hours of Li Zan - Acted, Produced, Edited and Directed by herself, must be boring. While reviewing those rush, I stand at a side and look at myself like I was in the TV, I think what's all this rushing for??? Have I miss the wonderful things in life by rushing by? You're right if your answer is yes.

By slowing down a bit you'll find that you see things in a different perspective, live life differently even for a brief moment, happiness rushes to you. It is then up to you to grasp and hold it dear with you till the end of time. When you have it treasure it with all your heart, don't lose sight of it. Of course it's not easy to gain happiness but we must persevere and keep pursuing. Even the small things in life can brighten up your darkness days.

Lately, I've come to notice something special which captures my heart dearly, which brings smiles to my heart and my face too :P. I will hold it close with me, mold it and store it with me always. As time goes by, I truly believe this thing will keep the fire in me burning, lighting my days, putting tears of both joy and sadness in my eyes yet still loving it forever.

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