
Sunday, April 15, 2007

My 40th post :P

Cant seem to come up with titles that are suitable :P. Anyway according to the title, yes this is my 40th post, seems little or a lot?? I think it's little seeing that I blogged since long time. Finally the exams are over and I dare say I did rush for the studying part for the exams :P.

So the holidays is here meaning I'm closer to FYP submission :( need to start on my research already. I need to get that engine going and start moving. Well this weekend there was the PC fair held in KLCC and I went today with someone (wont tell who), it was packed as usual. Yesterday I went on a trip to Genting Highlands with my close friend and his family too. It was cooling up there and I enjoyed it very much. I hope my trip with my friends will work out :D

The plan for the holidaya is to relax and yet get some work done, and hopefully I'm able to read some books too. Haven't read much lately so time to catch up on my reading, maybe I should read Harry Potter 5th book so that I remember what happen to review the movie :P, what parts are missing again and parts that are important :P.

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