
Friday, October 18, 2013


Cather and Wren is moving to their dormitories for their fist year of college. Sadly for Cath, her sister did not want to share the same room with her so Cath would have to share with a stranger and she felt quite nervous about it. When Cath was carrying her box up to her room, there was a boy there and she thought she went to the wrong place but it was her roomate's boyfriend. Her roomate Reagan just left her things and went to eat with her boyfriend while Cath went with her father to eat. After the meal, Cath unpacked her things with a bit of Simon Snow posters stuff being displayed at her corner. She felt it was a bit like home where Wren and her used to share the room and they both have one side each but this room was much smaller.

Cath was afraid to find the dining hall to have dinner alone and so she decide to hide in her room and eat her protein bars. The next day after class, Cath walked back to her room starving and worrying that the protein bar would finish soon. Sitting right outside her door on the floor, Reagan's boyfriend was waiting there. He introduced himself as Levi and asked to wait inside the room but Cath had refused. The next day it was her first class in Fiction Writing and she was really excited because she had been writing a lot of fan fiction on Simon Snow series. The professor in the class was asking for reasons to write fiction and for Cath it was to disappear. For most days, Levi is always around in her room with Reagan and he tried to converse with Cath.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is about a coming of age story particular on the first year of college for our heroine. We read the struggles and emotions of our characters in college and also the fun times. I absolutely love this book and I have to say this author has wowed me much. Rainbow Rowell is now one of my favorite contemporary young adult writer. The characters of the book is fantastic because they are just real and true because there are people like this in the world.

Even though it may seem like a simple book but it triggered emotions in me and also thoughts about my college years. It was really fun reading this book because I did not have those kind of experiences in college. How the characters grow and deal with situations really make up a lot of great plots. I love the writing of the entire book where there were parts that were dear to our main character shared with the readers. I love that the author made a lot of effort writing those parts that defined the heroine. I really can't describe the excitement and fun I had reading this book, it was so good that I kept reading and I finished the book in two days.

I would definitely read this again in the near future which is probably just a few months away. The characters are so good and special that I hope there might be a sequel to it because I'm so interested in more of their college life. Judging by the ending, I think there wouldn't be a sequel. If you loved Eleanor & Park, then you'll love this book too. It's a fun book and definitely a page turner. I highly recommend this book to people who love this genre (young adult contemporary) of story.

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