
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

What is real love?

This is something that I would love to share with those who are searching for love. One of the needs of humans is LOVE. As humans we can never survive without love, it is what everyone wants and needs to live on with their life. I have come to realise that people without love are often depressed and might even try to end their life.

Love comes from many places such as your family, your friends, your spouse, your lover. workplace and all that you can think of. But some of those "love" might not be real. Fake one or artificial one too. Whatever that I'm about to write is not from me but from the bible itself.

Marks of real love:
1. Suffers long
2. Is kind
3. Does not envy
4. Does not parade itself
5. Is not puffed up
6. Does not behave rudely
7. Does not seek its own
8. Is not provoked
9. Thinks no evil
10. Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth
11. Bears all things
12. Believes all things
13. Hopes all things
14. Endures all things

All from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. After reading all these, the first I thought of is our parents and Jesus. How about our friends? Well some will manage to love you like that but some would not be able to. But ask yourself? Can you love your friends that way? We should all try and learn to love everyone around us like that, even our enemies.

The person I know who can love me this way is Jesus and my God. So if you are still searching for love, it's just right around the corner, beside you, He is waiting for you to accept His love for you. The love that was around at the past, present and the future.

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