
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Play a part in the community

Somehow with all the hustle and bustle of life I have forgotten something important to me, that is our mother earth, our environment and all living things. I was working on a website that focuses on these but it failed because of the lack of planning and doing it with less experience and help. People would go so what?? If you really cared, nothing can stop you. I gave up because of dissapointment in various areas.

So today I came across something that reminded me of it again. Therefore I have researched a little bit on information that can help us start playing a part in saving the environment that we might lose in the future. Firstly I would like to mention Live Earth, it focuses on climate crisis. There are many useful information on how we can reduce in consuming energy and reducing carbon footprint. Explore the site and learn more, you can also calculate your carbon footprint. What is carbon footprint? It is the amount of carbon you helped release into the environment.

One of the famous environmental organizations is WWF. They focus on saving wildlife such as the sea turtles,orang utans and tigers for Malaysia. We all can also take part by sms and donating rm 3 for saving the turtles. For more info on how to sms, visit the website. It is important that we all do something, even if it's a small thing. Influence the people around you and one small thing will accumulate to a big one. This weekend I shall try to compile a list of things we can do in Going Green.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Topics, topics...

I have always loved writing, of course it's not writing technical documents such as the ones we're required to do for our FYPs. I prefer writing on something that has much freedom. Lately, I've been thinking on improving my blog and adding in more topics. Firstly, I think I shall ask myself what would I like to read from blogs before I ask around. There are many things that can be written down. What I observed from other blogs, they cover traveling, technology, food, daily life, objects such as cars, bikes, toys and many others.

Therefore there are many things to write, but what I am good at? What do I have interest in? I think sharing on my knowledge and my opinion on the things I like are worth reading :p. Unless you disagree with me and have better topics for me. Given a title, I may be able to write it but depending on the information I have and inspiration for that title. Putting some thought to it, I think I shall start by writing my opinions/reviews on things that I have interest in or objects that I use. It may not be good but in time I hope to improve my diversity on different kind of topics. My advise to people who want to improve like myself is to read more on different things that interest you, pick out writers that inspire you and see the style they have in writing and discover your own as you discover other's.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm here to introduce as the title says D.Gray-Man. As all my friends would know I am a big fan of japanese animation. I have started watching since I was young. My grandma used to borrow tapes that were in cantonese for me to watch. It was very enjoyable. Currently I am watching a few titles and there are more on my list which I have missed.

This animation originated from the manga itself and brought more life to the series. Many of us love to read manga and sometimes it takes our imagination to make the pictures move. But we need not do that because we have people who make animation out of it. So what's the story about?? At first glance you wouldn't know much, you would think this is a story bout a boy who can fight demons and he would save the world.

Along the story he met up with people in a society that are all like him and also supporting people like him. He made friends and the story goes on. What captured me was the mystery behind the characters, they developed slowly. Of course there are somethings that are typical, you fight and you win. There are also parts where people dies, must be more realistic lar. :P Other than all that, they have great openings and endings. What I like bout an anime like this one is the suspend they give the viewers, some episodes are funny, some are serious and with a lot of action that makes you want to watch one after another. For this anime, currently it is at the peak of the story again which makes things exciting again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Need more time

I remembered when I had my holidays, my lifestyle was a bore, everyday I do the same thing. But at least I enjoyed it, I rant of boredome once in a while but still it was ok. I loved what I was doing and sometimes I thought I had a lot of time in my hands. Lately, with work I realise I need more time, hopefully 36hours a day. I have done some calculation on the time spent for everyday.

Traveling to and fro work : 3 hrs
Working : 8 hrs
Lunch : 1 hr
Get ready b4 work : 30mins
Dinner : 30mins
Sleep : 7hrs
Time left : 4hrs

The total time left is 4 hours but seriously I don't feel that I really have that much of free time to spend. Everytime I come home and eat dinner, then I shower and I look at the clock it's almost 10 and then I sleep at 12am. Where the hell all those hrs and mins go. Haihz, I wish I could relax more every night before I go to work next day, then I will feel more refreshed and motivated to work. I miss my holidays, I want it back!!!! Now I really wished I was still studying, somehow FYP doesn't seem hard and assignments are lot comforting than the work I have now.

How's work in Shell?? Traveling to Cyberjaya is draining my life slowly, my parents are planning to get me a car soon, I hope they do it quick, public transport is so crowded sometimes. Oh well, last friday was fun, Accenture had this EWF/SWF community day. Enterprise and solution workforce combined and I had a fun day. We had presentations in the morning, then lunch is provided. Then we had games in the afternoon according to teams. Nicholas left before lunch was served. The first game we had was human cluedo, which requires the team to go to several places in 1 utama new wing and search for clues to determine who is the kidnapper, weapon used and lastly the venue. My team was there first with the correct answers so we won for this game.

Before the second game started, everyone was give a 1GB kingston thumbdrive, it is red in colour and it was the thumbdrive with the newest design. Captain ball was tough and tiring. I participated in the 1st round we had. The opponents were very aggresive and I was crashed into by a colleague and got step on the leg at the same time. After that round, I was too tired to take part in the next one. By the way we won the 1st round but lost the following one. It was a fun day. The day ended with the lucky draw competition.

I won 1 of the lucky draw prizes and I was so blur when they called my name. Anyway the prize was a big box and I couldn't guess what it was. Went home and opened it and it was a toaster oven. Was really tired when I got home so after dinner I just rested on my bed and read. Looking forward to the next event, annual dinner and dance.
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